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Not having daylight saving costs Queensland $4 billion a year

A 2013 research paper cited in the Courier-Mail found that the Queensland economy really suffers from being out of sync with Victoria and New South Wales.


There's never been a better time for daylight saving in Queensland

As The University of Queensland's Dr Thomas Sigler has written in The Australian, The Courier-Mail, and elsewhere, there's never been a better time of daylight saving in Queensland. The state's economy is in desperate need of a boost, and this would bring great social and economic benefit to Queenslanders.


The Queensland Productivity Commission needs to examine economic benefit of Daylight Saving

Most businesses support changing Queensland's current position on daylight saving

The AI Group has conducted a business survey into the potential benefits of daylight saving. They find that an overwhelming 85% of businesses surveyed support changing Queensland's current position on daylight saving, and that 72% of the businesses surveyed supported daylight saving being introduced in Queensland.

Harvard Professor finds that misaligned time zones cause employees to take more work home

Harvard Business School Professor Prithwiraj Choudhury's recent study focusses on the impacts of time zone alignment on communication within firms. He finds that losing shared business hours causes a loss in communication and that "employees actively shift work into and out of leisure time in an effort to counteract the effects of temporal distance".